Se comanda piese, vreti si voi?

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Se comanda piese, vreti si voi?

Postby Icar » 14 Feb 2013, 00:04


Impreuna cu alti 3 colegi de pe forum vrem sa facem zilelea astea o comanda de la si vrem sa reducem din costurile de transport, estimate pe la 50 de lire.

Daca mai are cineva nevoie de ceva si vrea sa-l comande urgent si sa-i vina la inceputul saptamanii viitoare, va astept cu un semn. Ar fi ideal sa-mi lasati si o adresa de mail sau un numar de telefon.
Last edited by Icar on 14 Feb 2013, 12:51, edited 1 time in total.
Our most careful measurements indicate that in about 70 weeks’ time, Icarus (Saab 9-3 SS '06 1.9 TiD) will slam into the North Atlantic Ocean at approximately 72,000 mph, releasing explosive power equivalent to half a trillion tons of TNT.

Our very survival is uncertain.

Icarus must be stopped!
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Re: Se comanda piese, vreti si voi?

Postby danezu » 14 Feb 2013, 08:40

Hai baieti, cu incredere, cine vrea oglinzi, embleme, alte maruntisuri. Facem un CO-OP ca sa iesim ieftin cu transportul.

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Re: Se comanda piese, vreti si voi?

Postby Icar » 14 Feb 2013, 12:54

Se pot comanda si piese mai mari. Pretul transportului e pentru pana in 20 de kg per colet, loc mai este. Deci se poate lua si un alternator, valva egr, consumabile din astea. :lol:
Our most careful measurements indicate that in about 70 weeks’ time, Icarus (Saab 9-3 SS '06 1.9 TiD) will slam into the North Atlantic Ocean at approximately 72,000 mph, releasing explosive power equivalent to half a trillion tons of TNT.

Our very survival is uncertain.

Icarus must be stopped!
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Re: Se comanda piese, vreti si voi?

Postby Icar » 15 Feb 2013, 17:33

S-a dat comanda, nu mai e de actualitate.
Our most careful measurements indicate that in about 70 weeks’ time, Icarus (Saab 9-3 SS '06 1.9 TiD) will slam into the North Atlantic Ocean at approximately 72,000 mph, releasing explosive power equivalent to half a trillion tons of TNT.

Our very survival is uncertain.

Icarus must be stopped!
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